
GUIDEDU offers a diverse set of packages to meet the needs of students at all stages of the journey.  Packages are designed to help students identify goals and develop the plan to achieve them.  If these packages are not right for you, please contact me to discuss a customized option.

The Compass

For students kindergarten through college. If your student is struggling to find their direction, I can help you navigate the system and discover educational solutions that meet your student’s individual needs.  The Compass Package includes 3 meetings: an in-depth intake, the presentation of a plan with resources, and a follow up meeting.

Prices: Starting at $500 with option to add on hours at $150/hr

Examples of services could include:

    • Review of psychoeducational reports, clarification of results, and recommendations for classroom accommodations
    • Strategies for study skills, test taking, behavior management, and executive functioning support
    • Research and recommendation of home-school curriculums, alternative education options, or outside resources
    • Helping secondary students explore alternative post-secondary options if college isn’t the right fit for them
    • Helping transfer college students to find the best fit

The Take Off

For freshman and sophomore students ready to get an early start on planning their future. This package empowers the students to manage their high school career in a way that is aligned with their post-secondary goals.  The Take-Off Package usually includes three meetings throughout each school year and availability to the counselor through email and text.  

Prices: Starting at $750 per school year.  Students who participate in The Take Off Package have priority for college consulting openings in The Journey Package and receive a 20% discounted fee off The Journey Package if they choose to continue.

The Take Off Package includes:

    • Developing a four year plan for high school coursework that ensures eligibility for preferred post-secondary programs
    • Advisement on extra-curricular participation that will encourage a students’ growth trajectory, talents, and impact
    • Administration of career interest inventories that help the student better understand their skills and passions in order to start exploring career fields
    • Summer planning that includes exposure to enrichment opportunities that encourage the student in their academic or social development
    • Identification of academic weaknesses and strategies for improvement
    • Guidance on standardized test scheduling and preparation
    • Preliminary planning for college visits that will help the student begin to understand their “best fit” college environments

The Journey

For junior students wanting guidance in post-secondary goal development, navigation of the college admission process, and support in making the final choice and transition.  In this comprehensive package, students receive personalized attention in order to help them envision their future and make it a reality.  The Journey Package usually includes once a month meetings through junior year and weekly meetings during application season in senior year. It also includes meetings in the second half of senior year to help families make their final decisions and develop transition plans.

Prices: Starting at $4500

The Journey Package includes:

    • Review of transcripts and academic profile. Suggestions for addressing any weaknesses or gaps.  Assistance in choosing remaining coursework
    • Recommendations for scheduling standardized tests and resources for preparation
    • In depth self-discovery journey involving personality assessments, career interest inventories, and values exercises
    • Assessment of independence skills to ascertain “college readiness” level and develop a plan to address any challenges
    • Advisement for extra-curricular activities and summer enrichment experiences that will continue to help the student explore their passions while demonstrating their commitment and impact
    • Guidance to identify appropriate criteria for “best fit” universities that match the students academic profile, affordability needs, career aspirations and personal development goals
    • Collaboration to develop a “best fit” university list for  student that meets their fit criteria.  Resources and guidance provided for their further investigation of colleges
    • Direction on organizing and optimizing campus visits
    • Assistance on management of the college application process and deadlines 
    • Essay brainstorming and feedback
    • Financial aid resources 
    • Evaluation of offer letters
    • Transition planning to best set up the student for academic, social and emotional success in their first year

The senior SendOFF

This package is for students who are starting the process in the summer before or fall of their senior year.  This packages offers targeted focus on developing the college application list and navigation of the admissions process.  It usually involves weekly meetings with the student throughout the college application season and includes meetings to review acceptance offers and help the family make their decision and plan their transition.

Prices: Starting at $3500

The Senior Sendoff includes:

      • Review of transcripts and academic profile. Suggestions for addressing any weaknesses or gaps.  
      • Recommendations for scheduling standardized tests and resources for preparation
      • Assessment of independence skills to ascertain “college readiness” level and develop a plan to address any challenges
      • Clarifying criteria for “best fit” universities that match the students academic profile, affordability needs, career aspirations and personal development goals
      • Collaboration to develop a “best fit” university list for  student that meets their fit criteria.  Resources and guidance provided for their research of colleges
      • Direction on organizing and optimizing campus visits
      • Assistance on management of the college application process and deadlines 
      • Essay brainstorming and feedback
      • Financial aid resources 
      • Evaluation of offer letters
      • Transition planning to best set up the student for academic, social and emotional success in their first year

Let’s talk about which package is right for you